Fashion Designer Natalia Fedner in our LA Showroom!

Earlier this month, fashion designer/actress Natalia Fedner dropped in on Dynamic Asia (About Us) to try on hats and shoot a quick video!

If you’re not familiar with Natalia, she’s a talented designer whose work can be found on and a rising TV personality with experience working for Perez Hilton and Conan O’Brien!

We caught up with Natalia as she was running around the Fashion District here in Downtown Los Angeles.  She stopped by our fashion accessory showroom to check out our wide selection of wholesale hats, and even borrowed a few for a recent fashion event!  (That same selection of hats can be found on our Online Wholesale Fashion Catalog)

As the film The Great Gatsby was in the air, Natalia decided to shoot a video in our showroom!

Watch below, as she uses our selection of cloches, felt hats, wool hats, and fedoras to discuss fashion from the film.  As you will see, she incorporates humor, music, and dancing – yes, dancing – to create a short, fun video about fashion from the movie.  Enjoy!

Great stuff, right?  Especially the dance at the end…

If you’d like to see what Natalia Fedner is up to next, follow her on Twitter: @NataliaFedner

Thanks again, Natalia, for coming by (come back soon!) and to everyone else…

Happy Shopping!

-Team Dynamic